Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Meal 3

This is a huge salad! Vegetables are unlimited which is awesome. You are supposed to eat 6 oz of lean meat for this meal but I stopped at 5 oz of ground turkey which is a lot! 3/4 cup kidney beans, 2 Tbs balsamic vinegar, and I added 1.5 Tbs of badil pesto. Basil pesto is not listed anywhere in the program buuuuuuuut..... it makes a salad taste SO much better and it has good ingredients so I let myself have it today. Now I'm off to pick up my little brother from school so we can hit the gym!!!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

"I can do all things through Christ which stregtheneth me."

The idea from class that stuck with me most this week was the knowledge that Satan always brings the fight, but God has already won the war. This gives me strength because I know that I will always succeed because God is on my side. He knows what will be the best for me. I want to ALWAYS trust in Him! This semester has been amazing. IT has been so hard but I have never felt more helped than I have this semester, especially in the testing center! I find myself praying constantly because I know that my prayers will be answered and that everything will work out as it needs to. This past week especially I have noticed that everything I pray for, I get! I prayed for the strength and time to accomplish all that I needed to on a very busy day, I prayed that I would get to class on time, I prayed that I would be able to study the material that would help me get a good grade on a test, and I prayed for a softened heart and an opportunity and the right words to say to someone I was not getting along with. All of these things seemed impossible when I prayed for them but they happened! I know that I will always be so happy if I continue to pray and trust in my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If I continue to nurture my relationship with them, I will hear their words, and overcome all. Then Revelation 2:1 will be fulfilled in my life. Christ will give me “to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our True Potential

Hey friends! This is my journal entry from my New Testament class this week. I am loving studying the New Testament so so so so much. This semester, my class focuses on the second half (Acts-Revelation). It's incredible! The scriptures apply to me and my life so much more than I have ever realized. They have really helped me to connect to my Savior and get to know Him better :) I love Him :) Enjoy!

This week our discussions in class have made me think a lot about the true nature of God and what our true nature is as His children. Our relationship with Him has the potential to be much more tender and realistic than I usually think of it being. 1 John 4:18 teaches us that "There is no fear in love;" and that love can conquer any and all fear. Brother Griffin said, "If you really understand God's love, you will have nothing to fear about the future." That is so true! He really has pure love for us. He wants nothing to happen that will take away from our eternal happiness. Everything He does is out of love. Brother Griffin also shared what it was like to hold a brand new baby. He said that that baby has done nothing for you but caused pain, discomfort, and financial burden. Until, the child is older, he/she will not even be able to do anything for you but you love that child more than anything and would give your life to protect it. this helped me to understand 1 John 4:19 and the way in which God loves us. 1 Peter 1:2 talks of the "elect." "Elect" means "chosen" or "favorite." God elected us to be His children and elected us for the opportunity to come to Earth to get a body. Lucifer did not, and still does not, have confidence in our ability to use our agency for good. God knows that we are capable of incredible and amazing things. He trusts in us and has faith in us that we will use our agency to do good and become more than we will ever be able to imagine. We need to trust in ourselves more and realize that we have divine nature. Certain decisions may be hard to make in the moment, but we need to realize that we are worth it.