Saturday, October 18, 2014



My roommate introduced me to the band ANBERLIN this week!

So What?

I went to their concert, and IT WAS AMAZING!

Now What?

I'm going to listen to ANBERLIN all of the time now! AND I'm going to spend more time going to concerts. I LOVE LIVE MUSIC! My life has always been filled with music; i.e., musical theater, choir, voice lessons). I haven't had as much music in my life the past few years because I transferred schools and changed my major. I'm realizing that I've missed that part of myself. SO here's to listening to, and making music more often :) Cheers

Saturday, October 11, 2014


We went on a sweet hike today to Lake Blanche, up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year, and I like my roommate :) can be fun


For one of my therapeutic recreation classes, we are assigned to write article critiques through out the semester. Yesterday, while writing an article critique, I realized that I was really enjoying it! I was interested in what I was writing and liked sharing my opinions about the article.

So What?

This was exciting for me because writing assignments have always stressed me out! I usually avoid them at all costs. I was using knowledge that I gained 2 years ago in my statistics class. In the past, I thought that class was pointless, but now I'm so grateful to have taken that class!

Now What?

In all of my future writing assignments, I'm going to focus on how I can use the assignments for progression and real-world application. Who'd 'a thunk? Writing can be fun :) I'm growing up!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Parents Really Do Know Best


I had a huge breakdown this week :( I have completely overloaded myself this semester, and my health is suffering from it! On Thursday, I called my dad because I didn't know what else to do. I was embarrassed to cry to him, but he was so understanding! He helped me to stay calm and to think about solutions. SO, I learned that my parents really are a good source to go to when I need help.

So What?

I felt so much better after our conversation, and I have some big decisions to make in order to have more balance in my life right now!

Now What?

I am so grateful for my parents. This week's experiences showed me just how much they still do for me even though I'm out of the house. I am going to express gratitude to my parents more often, and seek their guidance more regularly.