Friday, November 21, 2014

Love More Quickly


For one of my therapeutic recreation classes, I have to design my own project to become a better professional in the TR field. I chose to working on loving more quickly, and without caution. I really love people I am close to, but I don't typically choose to talk to strangers. My goal for this project is to smile at people more, and to engage in genuine conversations with new people. I chose to do this so that it will be natural for me as a rec therapist to welcome people and help them to feel more comfortable. I want friendliness to be automatic for me as I meet new clients and get to know their families.

This week, as I have begun implementing this project into my life, I have been happier! I feel more fulfilled because I care more about other people. I feel less inhibited and more willing to open my heart up to those around me.

So What?

This project is not easy for me, but it's good for me. My self-confidence is growing, and I feel that I am pleasing my Heavenly Father more because He wants us to care about each other.


For my project, I am journaling the experiences I have with people. Talking with and listening more genuinely really is making me a happier person. I love it! I am excited to be improving this aspect of myself.


  1. Ashley- this seems like something that you are naturally good at! I mean I have only known you for one semester, but I'm pretty sure that every time I see you, you are smiling. That is great thing to be known for though!

  2. Isn't it cool how just one single smile from a stranger can turn your day around? I have challenged myself before to smile at people that I make eye contact with and I found the same thing, that I am so much happier! Thanks for this reminder, I'll challenge myself again and do it with you!
